Whoever You Choose, Just Choose Wisely
Say it with us:
“I always choose love over fear.”
Copyright ©2018 The Swirl World™ LLC. All rights reserved.
Celebrating and Elevating Black Women - mind, body, soul and spirit!
You will be dating me. I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.
A Marine Corps Veteran, LaTresa says, “I love guns, sports, camping, working out, and family time.”
She embodies the stand out characteristics of Black women: strong, powerful and sexy.
LaTresa, thank you for your service!
To connect with LaTresa, click here.
The Swirl World Team is committed to Black women. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts. We intend to do everything we can to see Black women live their best life!
Copyright ©2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, LLC, Photo courtesy of LaTresa Kelley. Used with permission.
We all love it, right?
“Watch carefully the magic that occurs when you give a person just enough comfort to be themselves.”
Be yourself. And don’t stop there. Allow other people the same privilege!
The Swirl World Team is committed to Black women. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts. We intend to do everything we can to see Black women live their best life!
We’d love to FEATURE YOU in one of our posts! If you’re interested in being a featured single, click here to learn more.
Want to share your interracial love story? Send an email to inspirationdaily@theswirlworld.com.
Copyright ©2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, LLC, Photo property of The Swirl World™.
In this podcast episode, Adrienne, Rachel and I engage in a candid, unscripted conversation about women who do the most.
The Urban Dictionary describes “doing the most” as:
“When a person is doing too much or when a person is doing more than what the situation calls for or beyond the call of duty.”
In other words, women who are on #TeamTooMuch.
We cover 4 important factors a woman Dating With Purpose should avoid at all costs.
If you cannot see the podcast player, click here or here.
Give the episode a listen, and let us know what you think!
Send an email to Podcast@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
You can also listen to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, PlayerFM – and now on iHeart Radio!
Copyright © 2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™ LLC, The Swirl World Podcast™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved.
Ah, true love.
For some, finding it may seem elusive.
If that’s your story, don’t despair.
You can stack the deck in your favor!
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Right where you need to be!
The Swirl World Team is committed to Black women. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts. We intend to do everything we can to see Black women live their best life!
We’d love to FEATURE YOU in one of our posts! If you’d like to be featured, please send a nice, high-resolution photo to InspirationDaily@TheSwirlWorld.com. Selfies are ok – just make sure to send them full size.
Copyright ©2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, LLC. Photos property of The Swirl World™, LLC.
“Oh, it’s just a fetish.”
“He doesn’t really like her for her; he just wants to fulfill a fantasy.”
Let a non-Black man express his attraction to or, God forbid, preference for Black women. Someway, somehow this nasty little word pops up:
I’ve heard the word fetish so many times in connection with Back women, I wish I’d been given $5 every times my eyes or ears were assaulted by the term.
If a non-Black man is attracted to or prefers Black women, why does the word “fetish” always pop up?
In other words, know what in the world you’re talking about before you use certain words. Doing so usually involves knowing what words mean.
That means taking the time to look words up so you can know the true definition of the word.
Can a non-Black man have the wrong motives for wanting to become involved with a Black woman? Can he possibly have a desire to fulfill some “I wanna sleep with a Black woman fantasy?”
Of course he can!
But what he has isn’t a fetish – what he has are wrong motives. And guess what? Wrong motives are something any man can have.
He can also be racist. That’s why it’s important to learn how to vet, and vet properly.
To hear more about how to vet a racist, click here. To learn more about vetting, click here.
In this podcast episode, I define the meaning of the word fetish. I also debunk some of the misconceptions and myths.
Give it a listen, and let me know what you think!
If you cannot see the podcast player, click here or here.
Send an email to Podcast@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
You can also listen to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, PlayerFM – and now on iHeart Radio!
Copyright © 2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™ LLC, The Swirl World Podcast™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved.
Rachel Robinson encountered a variety of men during Seasons 1-3 of 50 Days of Dating.
Unfortunately, she encountered a closet racist.
Watch this brief snippet from Season 1 – Episode 36, as Rachel describes the encounter:
Later, Adrienne London Leach examined what happened. In this podcast episode she shares some important vetting tips, particularly if you find yourself dealing with a racist.
If you cannot see the podcast player, click here or here.
You can also listen to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, PlayerFM – and now on iHeart Radio!
Send an email to Podcast@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
You can also listen to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, PlayerFM – and now on iHeart Radio!
Copyright © 2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™ LLC, The Swirl World Podcast™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved.
Our friend Williesha Morris is no stranger to Loving Day. Held each year on June 12, the observance commemorates the landmark Supreme Court decision in Loving v the State of Virginia.
In this iconic case, Richard Loving and Mildred Jeter Loving won the right to remain married. Their love and commitment to one another helped pave the way for IR couples across the United States.
For the past four years, interracially married couple Williesha and Jason have hosted a Loving Day celebration in Birmingham, AL.
Alabama was the last state to remove the IR marriage ban from their law books. Lawmakers didn’t remove it until the year 2000!
Happily for us, 2017 marks the 50th year celebration of the successful outcome of the Loving case.
In today’s podcast episode, Williesha provides details about her now-5th year sponsoring a Birmingham Loving Day celebration.
You don’t want to miss this – Williesha’s celebration features a Skype Q & A with a special celebrity guest!
If you cannot see the podcast player, click here or here.
To learn more about Williesha and the Loving Day celebrations she sponsors in Birmingham, click here.
Follow Williesha on Twitter @WillieshaMorris.
Hang out with her on Facebook, and network with her on LinkedIn.
To learn more about the Loving Day organization and search for celebrations around the world, click here.
Want to be a guest on The Swirl World Podcast, or know someone who should?
Send an email to Podcast@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
You can also listen to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, PlayerFM – and now on iHeart Radio!
Copyright © 2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™ LLC, The Swirl World Podcast™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo of Williesha & Jason Morris Copyright © Jessica Messer Photography. Used with permission of Williesha Morris.
Desperado is defined in the Oxford online dictionary as a desperate or reckless person, especially a criminal.
Discussing the origin of the word, we learn “Both desperate and desperado originally denoted a person in despair or in a desperate situation, hence someone made reckless by despair.”
We normally associate this word with someone who is a criminal, but think about it:
A desperado is “someone made reckless by despair.”
So, do you know someone who is a desperado for love? Is that person you?
In this podcast, podcast Co-Host Michelle Matthews-Calloway, PhD discusses ways being a desperado can sabotage your dating and relationship life.
Give it a listen, and let Michelle know what you think. Email her at aswirlgirl@theswirlworld.com.
If you cannot see the podcast players, click here or here.
Send an email to Podcast@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
You can also listen to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, PlayerFM – and now on iHeart Radio!
Unfortunately for many, credit is an incredible source of stress and worry. Why? Because they’re trapped in a sea of debt.
On the flip side of the coin, good credit – and no debt worries – can be the key to financial freedom.
So, who doesn’t want good credit?
In today’s show, The Swirl World Podcast Co-Host Adrienne London Leach chats with credit guru Angel Fisher.
Angel provides what you need to know to get your credit in tip-top shape.
If you cannot see the podcast players, click here or here.
Angel says, “I am a very proud native Houstonian. I love my city and its diversity. Growing up on the Northeast (Northshore) area side of town, has definitely shaped my life.
I enjoy network marketing and meeting new exciting people. I believe that we should always live our life to the fullest.
Being an entrepreneur has rewarded my family with one of the most valuable things…..Time! Time to be a full-time mom and share lots of interesting things with my two beautiful daughters.
We love to travel with our friends and family. I consider myself a self-starter and a motivator. In my opinion, anything is possible, if we put God first.
If you are interested in rebuilding, restoring, or building new credit, my company Credit Deliverance 911 can help. I can also help you decrease your financial liability. Additionally, educate you with the tools needed to help you with your financial portfolio.
We offer an easy way to remove erroneous items such as: collections, repossessions, evictions, and other items from your credit reports. We also offer positive trade lines.
Let’s get you started on the path to credit success! Connect with me today!”
Connect with April via email at CreditDeliverance911@gmail.com. You can also give her a call at 1-888-983-7048.
If you’re a Sunday School attendee (and even if you aren’t!) we’d like you to check out Waynell Henson of ThatSundaySchoolGirl.com.
Head on over to her website and Facebook page now!
Send an email to Podcast@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
You can also follow us on Sound Cloud and listen to the show on Stitcher Radio. You can also hear us on PlayerFM!
Copyright © 2016 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™ LLC, The Swirl World Podcast™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved.