Cottesloe Beach, Perth, Western Australia. Photo courtesy of ©John Miocevich
So last week we shared the good news that our guy Mike in Australia appeared on a national television show and experienced an epiphany that changed his life – and all because of his connections to The Swirl World.
(See what Swirling will do for you? We’re just saying.)
One of the things we find so gratifying about publishing this blog is the fact that we know we are making a difference and changing people’s lives – and we have the emails, Facebook in-boxes, letters and comments to prove it.
He’s been on a journey of personal discovery, our Mike, and he is kind enough – and humble enough, we might add – to share it with us.
He’s a jewel in more ways than one, our Mike, not only because he’s willing to share his journey but because he’s also able to articulate it – and we are the better for this personal insight.
Mike’s life has changed – shifted – in a profound way. Read Mike’s post to learn more about what’s happening as a result of the shift.
Mike says:
You might wake up one day, set to change your life and how you live it, only to find yourself worried that you’ve completely messed it up, and worse it’s too late to do anything about it.
Standing amongst the rubble of plans you had for yourself, where you thought you would be in life and who you would be with, you might wonder “How did I get here?” What’s worse is that not only does that hit you, but then the next question will be “How do I get out?!?”
I’ve often felt like that.
I was bullied quite a lot during my school years, and it left an indelible mark on me, so much that I don’t think I have lived life as full as I could have.
Breaking out of that cage has been more freeing than anything I have experienced before. But now, even though I have done so, the world can still look quite daunting.
If you feel the same, and if, like me, you’re starting out again at any stage in life, you might find it hard to see a way out.
You carry a burden of what you think are mistakes and failures, and believe that life is going to be really hard to sort out from here.
But that’s not true.
One of the great works of literature is John Bunyan’s allegorical masterpiece, “Pilgrim’s Progress.” After deciding to change his life, the protagonist Christian, burdened by the weight of the choices he has made in life, sets out to escape the City of Destruction to travel to the Celestial City.
Two town members try to get him to change his mind, Obstinate and Pliable.
Christian chooses to continue on, with only Pliable joining him.
It’s unsurprising that the first challenge they meet is the Slough of Despond (aka the Swamp of Despair). Christian begins to sink under the weight of his burden, and while Pliable manages to get out, he abandons Christian to his fate. Struggling to free himself, Christian is finally pulled from the swamp by Help, who had heard his cries.
We often feel exactly the same way. We start moving in a direction we want to travel, but can quickly find ourselves falling into despair that the choices we had made previously will stop us from achieving happiness, and we’ll fall before finding the what we want and need in our life.
So, how do we get rid of this?
I’m glad you asked.
Next week, Mike shares two steps that were the integral factors in allowing him to change his life. If you missed the show, click here to watch.
Got a question for Mike? Send it to us via inbox on The Swirl World’s Facebook page or by email to ASwirlGirl@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Follow Mike on Twitter @500and50 and read his blog at 500and50.com, or message him on his 500and50 Facebook page.
Copyright © 2014 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, All rights reserved. Photo by ©John Miocevich used with permission.