I know a lot of hoopla is made about how “impossible” it is to trust women.
Women are described as catty “rhymes with witches” who will stab you in the back the first chance they get, throw you under the bus, steal your man, hate on you and undermine you . . . yadda . . . yadda . . . yadda.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that from infancy I’ve always had more – and stronger – relationships with boys/men than I had with women. (Blame my Dad and 2-brothers-no-sisters family for that).
And yes, I’ve experienced at the hands of women just about all of the things I’ve listed above – except the “steal yo man” part, even though Lord knows some have tried. (That’s another post).
Even more disheartening is the theory that Black women definitely can’t be each others’ friend.
Well, I’m calling B.aloney S.andwiches on all that.
No assessment of a group is all-inclusive. Exceptions always – yes, always – exist.
A few women in my life fit the bill of those women who can be trusted.
Why does a woman need a “Ride or Die” Chick?
- No woman is an island. I don’t care how self-sufficient you are, you don’t live in this world alone. The time will come when you will need someone, and what better someone than a Ride or Die Chick – even if that Chick is your Mother.
- A Ride or Die Chick is someone who is tried and true. You don’t have to worry about what she will or won’t do, because your relationship is established enough that you already know. You don’t have to watch your back when she’s around – because you know she’s covering you, and vice versus.
- You need a Ride or Die Chick because life is so much better with one than without one. If you have one, you know exactly what I mean. If you don’t, see #1 above.
I don’t have a lot of Ride or Die Chicks, because if you have one, maybe two good ones, you don’t need any more.
Today, I celebrate one of the truest friends I’ve ever had. I celebrate one of the very few women I can say has been a “thick or thin” friend to me. Someone who doesn’t try to change me, accepts me as I am and loves me in spite of me. She’s proven her loyalty time and time again, and has been a backbone to me during some of the lowest points of my life.
Happy Birthday, Cynthia. Love you, Girl!

Happy Birthday, Cynthia Hargrave!
May you live long and continue to prosper. Thank you for being my friend.
Join in the Fray: Who’s your “Ride or Die” Chick (or Dude)?
I’m blogging every day in the month of July in Blogher’s NaBloPoMo Challenge. Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment!
Copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, All rights reserved.