Daily we receive emails and Facebook in-boxes containing questions from our readers and fans.
We respond to many of them privately, post them on our Facebook page and in our private group.
Because we receive so many questions, Adrienne and I decided to re-institute our “From The Mailbag” feature.
Each week we’ll share a question and give you the opportunity to weigh in.
This week’s question comes from Chase, a Marine who is also a fan on our Facebook page:
I have friendships with gorgeous, intelligent, single black women. Some have asked my opinion and sometimes it’s a topic of general discussion about our single status. I express to my friends, speaking from my personal experience, some women give off (probably out of necessity) this extreme air of independence.
Most men want to feel needed and will pursue a woman who allows that need to be met. Some men will actually pursue a woman who is struggling because this allows him to be Prince Charming or her superhero.
I definitely do not advocate a woman relying so heavily on a man; I’m suggesting balance. Show him you need and want him, working together while pushing through it all and building a life for you and him. So, when his job takes him elsewhere, he knows you have the strength and independence to hold family and the relationship down.
This is what I think and wonder, deep inside. Can I find balance with an independent woman?
Thanks in advance,
Join in the Fray and leave a response for Chase: Can a man find balance with an “Independent Woman?”
Got a question? We have answers! Inbox us on our Facebook page or send an email to ASwirlGirl@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
JeffSt LOL! Gotcha.
TheSwirlWorld JeffSt
I do like the term “interdependent.” I was trying to elaborate it in detail without using it 🙂
JeffSt True! One of the fans used the term “interdependent” as opposed to dependent or co-dependent.
TheSwirlWorld JeffSt
Key is to have two people who are independent who complement each other. That’s a foundation for a solid relationship.
JeffSt Totally clear! 🙂
I could in no way find happiness with a woman who was NOT independent. Clear enough? 🙂 Absolutely vital requirement.
Funny, the photo above looks like that of a woman whom i let pass by, knew via work, in the late ’00s.