She’s Hott!
She’s Hott!
This girl is on Fire!!!!
Gynger Fyer, that is!
The Swirl World was smoking hot in Podcast 006 because our guest was none other than:
Gynger Fyer, The Romance Arsonist.
You heard read right: Gynger Fyer, The Romance Arsonist..
Gynger is an interracial romance author – and not just any old interracial romance: Gynger writes erotic interracial romance novels.
Imma let that marinate.
Mmm hmmm.
Here’s a little more on Gynger:
Gynger Fyer (pronounced Ginger Fire) prides herself on writing stories as unique, spicy and fiery as her name. An avid reader and fan of interracial romance and erotic fiction, she now has the pleasure of writing entertaining stories about love, romance, and relationships.
Gynger loves to explore the endless possibilities and outcomes of her characters meeting and falling in love. For her, it all starts with one question…”WHAT IF?”
“What if?” indeed!
Gynger just released a new book: Under The Bayou Moon. It’s her first paranormal interracial romance and she tells us all about it in the podcast.
Don’t tell my Mama I have it all loaded and ready to read on my Kindle rat nah . . . . yeah, baby!
Chatting with Gynger was an absolute blast. She’s warm, witty and so very personable.
(Just so you know, Gynger was so much fun, she’s coming back for another episode on a different topic! Stay tuned.)
If you’ve been wanting to write romance novels and don’t have a clue about how to begin, then listen up because Gynger gives the steps she took. She also tells us her secret to “finding the time” to write.
We discussed life, love, breaking into the field of writing romance novels and what she does to write . . . erotica!
Listen to the episode and get an earful. Woot Woot!
Visit Gynger’s website at To read her blog, click here. Follow Gynger on Twitter @GyngerFyer. If you’re on Facebook, you can keep up with Gynger’s latest releases (and photos of HOTT interracial couples) by clicking here.
Want to be a guest on the podcast, or know someone who should? Send an email to Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. You can also follow us on Sound Cloud!
Copyright © 2014 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, All rights reserved. Photos used with permission.
LOL! There are some days it happens. Well, thank you so much, I will do that so long as you do as well!
LOL! It’s called writers cramp Aliyah Burke. And you know how you write every day! But hey, it works for you so I won’t give you a hard time. Just keep putting out those awesome interracial romance novels and we’re good 😀