We’ve run a post or two on women who made “the first move” and wound up with the man of their dreams.
And yes, we know a big debate exists on whether women should be first to make a move.
Our position on the subject? Suffice it to say that we believe there’s a HUGE difference between being “Thirsty” and being “Friendly” – and a smart woman (and man) is able to tell the difference.
With that out-of-the-way, meet another couple who exemplifies our theme of Ordinary People . . . Extraordinary Love:
Niecy and Jeff Aldrich!

Niecy and Jeff Aldrich’s wedding photo
Niecy shared this beautiful photo below of her and Jeff on our Facebook page and it generated tons of comments and likes. We just had to get their story – and get ready to be surprised, because what Niecy did was . . . well, read on and find out!
Where do you live?
We live in Suffolk, VA
How long you have been together?
Almost half my life! We’ve been together 22 years and married almost 20 of those years.
What are the names and ages of your children and/or grandchildren?
Oh Wow! I was divorced with 3 children when we met and yet . . . Are you getting why I love this man so much???
Any who, our children’s names are Connis (who is now 29), Zavier (now 28), Letia (26 now) and Jovani, now 13.
We also have 5 grandchildren; Elijah 8, Kamiyah 6, Kylie 5, Dexter 4 and Cayden is 18 months:
Whew! Seems like a lot when you spell it out but I love them all as one. They make me crazy and happy all at once.

13-year old Javoni
How/where did you meet?
We met in Florida, my home state at the Mayport Naval Station … I can see it in my head, me walking around with my girls trying to look cute (lol!)
I remember passing this group of guys that was trying to get my attention. I kept walking of course, but on the way back he (Jeff) caught my eye.
I thought it would probably annoy his friends if I stopped to talk to him (the only White guy in the group), so I did (smile).
I was going to annoy them all and then move on but when I stepped up to him and said “Hello,” he gave me this quizzical look as if to say, “Me?”
It was his eyes . . . they grabbed me. I said something really lame like, “I’m going to marry you and have a daughter with those eyes…. 1 out of 3 ain’t bad – I’ll take it! Lol!
What was your defining moment – that moment when you each knew you were in love?
The moment he met my children and didn’t bat an eye, I knew he was sent to me for my soul mate.
How did you families and friends respond to the news of your relationship? How did you handle it?
My family is literally a melting pot and I grew up around interracial couples, so my family was fine with us.
Some of my friends – or ex-friends, I should say – were a different story. I was called a “sellout” among other things. I had one so-called friend ask me, “How can you sleep with a white man?”
I had a big fight with one that said “White people smell like wet dogs.” Needless to say I showed her the door face first … I know violence was not the right response but it felt good at the time.
Despite all the negativity we encountered at the beginning we held hands, kept our heads up and ignored the looks and comments. To make a very long story short . . . . Love truly is blind, deaf and dumb, too.
What do you like most about your mate?
The thing I’ve always loved the most about Jeff is the way he loves me! When he says he loves me I can feel it. I see it when he looks at me. He has never wavered in his love for me.
What advice would you give to others who are interested in dating/marrying interracially?
The only advice I could give is to love yourself first. That way, when love comes in whatever way, shape or form you will recognize it.
Any parting words?
All I have left is, “I Love You Jeff, more today than yesterday. I’m so grateful that God blessed me with you!”

Jeff Aldrich, who is currently deployed
One more thing, Ladies don’t be shy – take a chance. Walk over; say hi to a guy you like . . . This could be you 22 years from today!
All we have to say is, being friendly certainly worked for Niecy!
Join in the Fray: How do YOU define “Thirsty” and “Friendly?”
All rights reserved. All work is the copyright of the respective owner, otherwise copyright © 2014 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, Dallas, TX, USA. Photos used with permission.
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Aww, Patricia, thanks so much for reading! I appreciate the feedback – it’s very encouraging. We believe in keeping things POSITIVE here in The Swirl World!
Hi Patricia,
Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate the encouragement. We have more lovely couples and stories to share – stay tuned!
What a lovely story.
I must say that ever since I discovered this website, I have nothing but love for it. Please keep up the great work! It’s nice to read positive stories about Black women.