Remember back on April 1st when I told you that I would have a special announcement to make at the end of the month?
Well, my BIG, HUGE announcement is:
I Have A New Baby-And It’s A Girl!!!!
*Beaming with pride*
Just kidding. Sort of.
(I am shrieking with laughter, because even when I’m totally serious, I play too much).
I don’t have THAT kind of new baby!
No, I have THIS kind:
You’re looking at the brand new face of my upcoming blog and website:
Traditional . . . .Yet Contemporary Women
That’s right, I’m launching a new blog designed specifically for women of faith. The Proverbs 31 woman in the Old Testament and the businesswoman Lydia of the New Testament serve as the inspirations for the blog. Both were traditional women in that they were women of faith – yet they were contemporary for their time.
The purpose of For Church Girls is to serve as the go-to blog for women of faith. The blog will focus on spiritual things including inspiration, empowerment, and personal enrichment, as well as natural things that are also of interest and concern, including health, wellness, hair, fashion, and beauty. Moving forward, we will also hold monthly empowerment calls featuring guests who will lead discussions on a variety of topics.
This has been a particularly exciting week for me, not just because I’m undertaking this new venture, but because other bloggers like Christelyn Karazin of Beyond Black & White are forming networks and coalitions, and launching new websites.
This is a win-win situation for women seeking quality content.
I recently completed a Blogging School conducted by Rosetta Thurman, Blog Mistress of the Happy Black Woman. The class was filled with women who are starting new blogs and launching websites.
Writer and social commentator Angela Gatlin Keys is working on a new website. Celebrity stylist Kaye Flewellen of Just Ask Kaye is working on a new book and companion website, as is blogger Toni M, Blog Mistress of Petals.
Just this Monday, blogger LC Coleman of Colored Girl Confidential launched a new online networking and accountability group called The Colored Water Fountain.
And as for A Swirl Girl? Well, she’s going to Keep Calm And Swirl On!
No worries; this blog will continue. I’ve got more good stuff coming up, including a special guest post from dating advice specialist and freelance writer Miranda Santiago, who will share some juicy tidbits about interracial dating and Latin men. Look for more profiles of interracial romance writers, and stories and photos from interracial couples.
And, of course, news and updates regarding my Swirling activity.
Back to the matter at hand:
Isn’t it wonderful that bloggers and writers are pursuing and fulfilling their dreams? And that’s the beauty of dreams: Everyone can have a dream, a goal, a vision – and everyone can realize their dreams.
The vision I foresee in For Church Girls is a website that serves as a safe haven for women of faith. Far too often these days, “Church Girls” are portrayed in a negative light, and viewed as thirsty, man hungry, gullible hypocrites who are silly and vapid. Yes, the Bible aptly describes such women; they do exist. Their egregious behavior needs to be challenged! Even though For Church Girls will project a nurturing environment, we won’t coddle anybody: Stinkin’ thinkin’ and behavior will be called out and addressed!
Our launch is set for May 11, 2013.
Till then, head on over and sign up for our updates to ensure you don’t miss a bit of the action!
Join in the Fray: What’s your opinion of modern-day “Church Girls?”
I have blogged every day in the month of April for BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge. Thanks for reading and do leave a comment!
Copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, For Church Girls™, All rights reserved.
Thanks so much! LOL!
LOL @ The Anti-Swirl!
Congrats on your new project, Michelle! Definitely an interesting title 🙂
Thanks for joining us! Hopefully you’ll learn something. 🙂
April, I believe that!
Yer Ma let you go out of the house with your skirt that high? Humph!
(Just signed up; this out to be a HOOT! Gotta add you to my blogroll; will do that NOW.)
Light to the younger or even older women, that YES! There are actually some Proverbs 31 women of this day and age.
Jeff, thanks so much.
I am CRACKING UP at the response I’m receiving! I keep saying, “Reading is Fundamental,” and it’s SO true! LOL & SMH
Congratulations my dear! Children are a wonderful gift. I am so happy for you.
Much love to you and your new crew, my purple haired goddess.
By the way, I often only read the first few lines….
Tee hee hee! Just make sure you sign up – and pass the word!
I read it. You got me!