zee2bluphi: Girl, I have a question
ASwirlGirl: Sure!
zee2bluphi: *and I’m almost dying laughing inside*
ASwirlGirl: ?
zee2bluphi: being that SM is white, I would think his lips are thinner than that of a Black man. Is it like *Bruce says???? Is it like kissing baby knuckles????
ASwirlGirl: F D L O L !
ASwirlGirl: ;-0
ASwirlGirl: Bruce is STEWPID
zee2bluphi: I’m freak’n cracking up over here, but now I want to know
zee2bluphi: ;-0
ASwirlGirl: no, it’s not that bad
ASwirlGirl: it’s different, true
ASwirlGirl: but not like “kissing baby knuckles” smh
zee2bluphi: LMBO
zee2bluphi: OH GOSH
ASwirlGirl: actually, my husband’s lips were like SM’s, pretty much
Sidebar: [my husband is deceased]
ASwirlGirl: I mean, a couple of Black guys I’ve dated had “thin” lips
ASwirlGirl: Trynna think if I’ve dated someone who had big, huge, puffy lips . . . . .
ASwirlGirl: Kevin and Martin [my brothers] don’t have thick lips . . . Kevin sure doesn’t
ASwirlGirl: hmmm . . . I’m thinking this thru . . . .
ASwirlGirl: lol
ASwirlGirl: hmmmmm . . . . . .
zee2bluphi: I see that 4 Kev
zee2bluphi: lol
zee2bluphi: baby knuckles. lmbo!
ASwirlGirl: that is HILARIOUS
zee2bluphi: i kissed one thin lipped man ever and i don’t remember what it was like
zee2bluphi: i mean, they don’t have lips my size either
ASwirlGirl: yeah . . . I think mine are medium
ASwirlGirl: lol
ASwirlGirl: of course SM loves them!
zee2bluphi: of course he does. LOL!
ASwirlGirl: lol
zee2bluphi: but i think what’s important is that they kiss well and don’t leave me with a spit covered face
ASwirlGirl: RIGHT
zee2bluphi: smh
zee2bluphi: Bruce has jacked it up for me!
ASwirlGirl: FDLOL!
ASwirlGirl: Girl, for me too! I hope I don’t laugh next time SM kisses me . . . I’ll be trying to see if I feel baby knuckles!
zee2bluphi: LMBO!
zee2bluphi: aiight… gotta go. l8r
ASwirlGirl: toodles!
Baby knuckles??? Really??? Needless to say, those of us who swirl often get questions leading to “the things you people do” kind of conversations. Not to perpetuate stereotypes, but Black people have been known for their lips – and White people are known for not having them (can anybody say, “Collagen implants?” You don’t hear about Black people doing that, do you??? I’m just saying).
Physical attributes (or lack thereof) aside, I revel in the smorgasbord that is humanity. Regardless of our relationship – be it coworker, family member, friend – individually we each are “brave new worlds” to explore. Imagine how wonderful and engrossing life would be if instead of looking at each other askance, allowing ourselves to be distanced by prejudices, presuppositions, and stereotypes, we view each other and think, “What a wonderful world!”
Baby knuckles, indeed. Whether the lips are large or small, thick or thin, Black, White, Yellow, or Brown, I think every woman would agree:
When you give me some lip, just kiss me real good and don’t leave spit all over my face!
*Names changed to protect the guilty
Join in the fray:
What “presuppositions” do you hold concerning other races? Leave a comment and tell me about them!
Tina, OK??? LOL & SMH
Baby knuckes?!? I agree, Bruce is stewpid.
Kee, I am FDLOL! I will hardly ever be able to kiss again w/o thinking about a baby’s knuckles!
This was the funniest thing EVER. LOL. Baby knuckles!!! LOL. Who says that???? LOL