We won’t go so far as to say it will happen to everyone, but we WILL say that you’re bound to find more than you bargain for – and we mean that in a good way – when you venture out past your own front door.
South Carolina native Paula Cooper Trajkovski (TRY-KOV-SKI) decided to step out past her front door (the United States) to broaden her horizons.
Busily employed and working on a Master’s Degree, Paula wasn’t expecting to find love – especially not INTERRACIAL love. Instead, she says, “I found it all: I found love, work and fulfillment – in Macedonia!
She met her husband Bojan Trajkovski (BOY-YUN TRY-KOV-SKI) in 2009 while working as a contractor in Baghdad Iraq.
Bojan is Macedonian (you’re gonna LOVE his accent!).
The two married in Dubrovnik, Croatia in July 2012.
Paula and Bojan now live in Skopje, Macedonia.
They are expecting a son this December (around the 13th).
Paula and her husband chatted with The Swirl World Podcast Co-Host Adrienne London Leach and discussed how they met and married.
You can listen to the podcast on Sound Cloud by clicking here.
Paula is currently trying to launch a small online boutique where she hopes to use it within a year after her launch to help women in need. She has also completed her 14-year duty in the Army Reserves May of 2014.
Here in The Swirl World, we’re all about Black women living and loving well.
Right now, Paula is just soaking it all in.
She never thought that this is the path that life would lead her too, but it’s working out and she is enjoying the ride.
Gotta love it!
Did you know The Swirl World has a Facebook page devoted exclusively to Military Swirl Couples?
Click here to view photos of active duty and retired military couples from around the world, and read their stories.
Want to be a guest on the podcast, or know someone who should? Send an email to Podcast@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Be sure to “Like” The Swirl World on Facebook and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
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Copyright © 2014 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, All rights reserved. Photos used with permission.
Hi Allen,
Thanks so much for stopping by! Yes, they are indeed a beautiful couple. You can see their love for one another radiating from their faces.
Beautiful couple. Beautiful smiles. Beautiful story.