Erotica is hot and popping right now in the book publishing industry. Readers can’t seem to get enough, and a slew of authors are writing books designed to meet this popular genre.
We give major props to New York Times Best Selling Author Zane, whom we consider the Matriarch of this genre.
(Sidebar: Some people are acting all brand new about 50 Shades of Grey and going all-a-gaga as if this one book started it all. Those of us who have been reading for years know 50 Shades is the new kid on the block – Zane has been delivering the goods for decades. If you’re into such things, check out Zane’s Erotica Noir website by clicking here. )
Anyhoo, in Podcast 007 I had the unique opportunity to sit down and chat with interracial erotic romance author Jon Bradbury.
Now, Jon doesn’t just write erotic novels.
He’s a White man, and he writes interracial erotic romance novels.
Of course, that got our attention.
Take a peek at the cover of Jon’s latest book:
We thought that would get your attention!
Curious creatures that we are, we had to check Jon out for, um, research purposes.
Listen to the podcast to learn more:
To visit Jon’s website, click here
To find Jon’s Fan Page on Facebook, click here
On Twitter he’s @JonB1969
You can also find some of Jon’s books on iTunes. Just go to the iTunes store, select the “Books” tab and plug-in Jon Bradbury.
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Copyright © 2014 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, All rights reserved. Photos used with permission.
Hi hi, can anyone recommend I.R. books with actual Black/dark skinned women..?
Paranormal erotica, is cool but Any genre will do & most importantly of all,
She must be able to display normal human emotions, that leaves the reader empathizing & routing for her. Thanks for your time..
Shonda –
I’m only going to say thank you for posting. It shows someone is actually listening to my podcast. It was a huge compliment to be interviewed by The Swirl World and I would do it again in a heart beat.
I have just two questions. 1. Why are you fixating on the word Baby? Someone told me once that people who have love missing in their lives are jealous of people who use terms of endearment. And 2. How many others of my books have you read?
Feel free to respond. Thank you again.
Hi Shonda,
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Of course your comment will stand – as long as comments are respectfully shared (and yours was) I have no issues. I don’t expect readers to walk in lock-step with me – healthy dialogue and exchange of ideas is good for both parties.
I’m really sorry you don’t care for Jon’s work. I haven’t read all his books – I haven’t read erotica since my Zane days and I even put her books aside. I’ve read one of Jon’s works, and I have to admit it was with the filter that I’m not a fan of erotica. I did read reviews other women left, and the vast majority seemed to be pleased.
Jon also dates Black women exclusively, so I believe he’s aware of what quality BW are truly like. He discusses his attraction and feelings concerning BW in the podcast.
I’m going to make sure Jon reads your comment and I trust he’ll take what you say under advisement.
On another note, I’m so glad you like Gynger! She’s a wonderful person and we look forward to having her on the show in the future. Delaney Diamond has been featured on the blog and we also hope to have her as a future guest.
Shonda, PLEASE keep reading and commenting! I enjoy and appreciate the feedback.
Oh Michelle,
I was so excited to see a man’s adaptation in IR erotica, having cut my teeth on such wonderful authors as Sienna Mynx, Violette Dubrinsky, Delaney Diamond and the likes. I am an amazon 1 clicker addict.
It pains me to say that I’m not so pleased with Mr. Bradbury’s books. I don’t like giving negative reviews because I often think “hey everyone has different likes and dislikes” but after much debate I had to just drop a line and ask if you’ve had an opportunity to read any of his works? The two I purchased, I read and returned (having cringed through the reading).
I’m not so certain that Mr. Bradbury likes or even knows any actual real life black women. I got the impression that he derives his view of black women from bawdy reality TV shows. Gold-diggers, no other concerns but clothing, and lacking in intelligence. His constant use of the word “baby” was…odd (and also kind of cringe worthy). Perhaps he may want to interview actual, middle class, upper middle class, college educated African American women and revamp a bit.
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I did read another IR author you recommended Gynger Fyre, and her books were short (lol) but very good.