This news isn’t exactly “new,” it’s actually right at two months old. I’ve been meaning to do an update post since the end of March discussing all the cool things that have been happening:
- Serving as the guest speaker for the Inner Circle monthly call
- Being interviewed on Blog Talk Radio with Rikki R. Jones
- Writing my first “featured” post (that means it was sponsored)
- Took a blogging school course with Rosetta Thurman of Happy Black Woman (I wholeheartedly endorse and recommend her class!)
- Was selected and participated in the Selah book launch with Pastor Joseph Iregbu
- Got selected to participate on the It Takes A Village launch team for one of the cutest Swirl couples on the planet, budgeting gurus, podcasters and authors Derek and Carrie Olsen (check out their site for some fantastic freebies!)
- Joined The Colored Water Fountain hosted by blogger L.C. Coleman of Colored Girl Confidential (she’s the one who created a piece of awesomeness called The Red Lipstick Manifesta)
- Entertained some wonderful guest posts from leadership expert Bill Treasurer, Latin dating coach Miranda Santiago, interracial romance authors Cora Blu, Delaney Diamond, and Gynger Fyer, and the hilarious Gene-Leigh and Seth Wheeler (and even though we featured her in January, we also enjoyed a guest appearance from that Married Girl in a Weird World, Eugenia Berg)
- Launched a new blog – For Church Girls
- Submitted my dissertation for review – and had it returned for edits (~Le sigh)
AND, last but not least (drumroll, please):
I reached the goal of changing careers – and landed a new job as the Co-Editor of Acadiana LifeStyle Magazine!
Woot to the Woot, Woot, WOOT!
Yaaay Me!
I’ll have to do a separate post on the journey that led me to starting that new job on March 27. Suffice it to say I can truly attest to the old saying, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”
Any who, take a gander at the June cover:
The owner and publisher, Mr. Art Suberbielle and his gracious wife Connie are lovely people, as is my partner in crime, Co-Editor Barbara Gautreaux (send her an invitation to connect on LinkedIn or check her out on Pinterest), and the rest of the staff.
(I’ll also have to do a separate post on how I get paid to do what I love: Read, write, research, interview, and meet people)!
The past two months have been a BLAST! To think that tomorrow we hit the half-point of the year – wow . . . just . . . wow.
Who knows what the next six months will bring?
I don’t know about you, but I’m here for it!
Join in the Fray: What have YOU been up to for the past 60 days??? Spill it!
Copyright Terms:
All rights reserved. All work is the copyright of the respective owner, otherwise copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, Dallas, TX, USA.
TheSwirlWorld says
Thanks, bunches!
The Anti-Swirl says
Let me be the first to say, “WOOT-WOOT!!!”
(hope that was in proper context)
Now, my assignment is: parlay your recent successes into the stratosphere of Big Buck$$$!!!
(while, of course, keeping you humble and down-to-earth. Down, DOWN, I say!)