Let me start off by saying this review of Entourage (2015) is going to be rather short.
And for good reason!
If you are NOT in any way familiar with the Entourage television series that this film hails from, thankfully even never having seen the show you are caught up to speed about the premise’s roots, who the players are and how they got here. Ari Gold, Vincent, E, Turtle, and Drama: Remember their names, because as crazy as they sound you will see them again.
This film is FUN. Plain and simple.
Between the interesting yet somewhat pedantic origins of the primary crew, to seeing all the beautiful people, fantastic scenery, and gorgeous luxury cars everywhere, to the many over the top moments that are a standard in the Entourage franchise, IT’S FUN.
The cameos of so many of Hollywood’s finest young and not so young, to the hilarious but at times awkward connection of the Father and son duo McCreadies played by Billy Bob Thornton and an interesting re-introduction of Hailey Joel Osment, it’s absolutely positively a BLAST.
This is the sort of film where there isn’t much to analyse (ok, maybe the accession and the hard crash heard round the world in Ari’s case) or find something that you connect to.
(Mind you there are those moments; you’re just not necessarily required to find meaning in them in order to enjoy the film). It’s SUMMER here in the U.S. and this is a summer film so going into the theatre with that type of expectations means no pressure on ANYONE.
You cannot go into a film like this expecting some profound epiphany because it just isn’t going to happen. The beginning act is a little slow at times and a cacophony at other times. But there’s a method to the madness that makes it bearable.
For some reason I sort of feel like they thought it would be a good idea so put all the sex scenes from the entire run of the show into ONE film! At first it’s laughable, than it gets annoying. BUT, then again that is in line with how the original series flows so it’s not a break from the norm and not unexpected!
If you find yourself wanting to enjoy a film where you literally don’t have to think it through, this movie is an absolute bull’s-eye! And as was the case with Entourage the successful series, there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with that!
Enjoy the moment, live life, and laugh for a few hours! Laughing is indeed a biological need despite what my dahling Athena from Tomorrowland says!
#SheCritiquesIt #WhatWorksWhatDoesNot
Our Resident Movie Reviewer Joyll Cambridge hails from Manchester, United Kingdom and currently lives in New York, New York. She loves all things movies, fitness and swirling. To read Joyll’s personal blog at The Humanist Exec, click here.
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Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo of Joyll Cambridge used with permission. Movie poster of Entourage (2015) obtained from the movie’s official Facebook page. All rights reserved.