You know what happens when you like who you are and you’re comfortable in your own skin?
Relationships with other people become so much easier to manage.
You see, when you love you, your thinking is clearer and you possess the confidence to make decisions in your own best interest.
Saddled with a toxic friend, or recognize you’re in a relationship no longer serving you?
When you love you, walking away makes sense, and making excuses does not.
Being able to “keep it moving” becomes less of a chore and more of an imperative for your mental health and overall sense of well-being.
When you love you, you realize the word “No” is a complete sentence – no explanations required.
When you love you, excitement concerning the person you are fills your being.
Armed with knowledge of the higher, better person you’re evolving into fills you with a sense of anticipation.
All bets are off, because you’re expecting good days ahead.
Gone are the crippling doubts and paralyzing anxieties.
No, you’re not perfect, and you’re ok with that.
You love you, and you like the person you see in the mirror.
Ultimately, isn’t that all that matters?
The Swirl World Team is committed to sharing inspiration in 2016. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts.
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Copyright ©2017 Michelle Matthews Calloway, The Swirl World LLC , ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo property of The Swirl World™.
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