We just wrapped up the Vetting 101 series held weekdays on Facebook Live and Periscope.
Thanks to those of you who tuned in live or caught the replays.
If you missed it, don’t worry – we’re going to provide you the opportunity to obtain the videos, complete with worksheets – so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to join me weekdays Monday-Friday for our new series, Maximizing Your Mindset.
Defining Mindset
According to Dictionary.com, mindset is defined as, “A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations. An inclination or a habit.”
I know that definition is a lot to swallow, especially when we consider the number of situations we each encounter in a single day.
And yet, our mindset – our “fixed mental attitude” – determines our responses and interpretations of those situations.
Do you believe life is great? Or, do you believe life sucks at worst or is “meh” at best? It’s all in your mindset.
Good or bad, let’s make sure our mindset in order, shall we?
To catch me on Facebook Live, click here.
You can also tune in on Periscope.
Join in the Fray: What aspects of your mindset need the most work? What steps are you taking to affect positive change?
We’d love to FEATURE YOU in one of our Inspiration Daily posts! If you’d like to be featured, please email a nice, high-resolution photo to InspirationDaily@TheSwirlWorld.com. Selfies are ok – just make sure they’re not blurry!
Copyright ©2016 Michelle Matthews Calloway, The Swirl World™ LLC, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo property of The Swirl World™ LLC.
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