Nina Simone &
Nikki Giovanni &
Maya Angelou &
Angela Davis &
Zora Neale Hurston &
They paved the way in history for black women by being authors, poets, civil rights activists, songwriters, television personalities, professors, singers, writers, anthropologists, and actresses.
They all had one thing in common . . . being unapologetically Black and unapologetically women. Their legacy carries on through you.
~Shelby Birch
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Join in the Fray: In what aspect of your life are you unapologetic?
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Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
TheSwirlWorld JeffSt
I sure hope she’s OK, it’s been 40 years since that last time i saw her. I can say i didn’t meet my ex-wife’s real person for quite a while, almost two years, due to the unusual circumstance of the early stages of our relationship, and this was probably a major flaw.
JeffSt Yikes! I’m reminded of the fact that when people meet someone new, they should be mindful of the fact that the person they meet at first is the person’s representative – you meet the real person as you progress. (and vice versus) I’m glad your former roommate decided to get some therapy – can you imagine going through life like that??? Poor woman!
TheSwirlWorld JeffSt
I’ll try.
Your father did right, wish my parents didn’t simply drill me in “correct ideas,” i.e. theirs.
A story i mentioned. I got burned out of a group house in September ’74, a friend of ours crashing there caused it, she suffered major material losses. Place wasn’t destroyed, but damaged enough that we had to move out for a few weeks,during which the household fell apart. I couch surfed at friends’ places for two months, got tired of it, and answered an ad by a woman who needed a roommate for a place she just got. We met, i was amazed at how our opinions were so perfectly matched on everything, so i moved in. A couple of weeks later, i said something which was the opposite of what i meant, by mistake, she agreed with me, then i corrected myself, she still agreed with me. Hmm. I did that deliberately, and sure enough, she agreed with me no matter what i said. A week before New Year’s, she told me she was moving out, was tired of being… intimidated by me imposing my opinions. I had to scramble for new roommates, took on two fools, ended up moving out before the end of January. The following August, i ran into her, she seemed much better (was hideous-looking when we met, and was pissed when i refused her advances), and she told me she was getting counseling, she had grown up… trying to please men.
Look out for someone who always agrees with you.
JeffSt Yikes! I accidentally deleted your comment. BUMMER! I was trying to delete MINE – I had messed up the response – and didn’t realize that in Admin mode when you hit delete you delete what you were RESPONDING to. So sorry – you had a great comment. Can you repost???
JeffSt Jeff, you’ve hit on one of the true aspects of freedom in respect to living life: thinking for yourself. My Army Officer Dad was a stickler for this, and he drilled into our heads to never allow anyone to do our thinking for us. Many times in conversations he would play the Devil’s advocate, just to make sure we could defend our positions and points of view – even when we disagreed with his views. This mindset has shaped my life positively in more ways than I can count. Kudos to you!
I am totally unapologetic about my very critical social/political attitudes, my being a non-conformist, about hanging on to the values and ethics which i took on when i started thinking for myself 40 years ago, as if i was supposed to adjust these to fit in with the times as they changed.