It’s Monday – do you have your goals for the week mapped out?
Are you prepped and ready to make things happen?
With all our plans, let’s make sure we refuse to allow ourselves to get off track and mired down with unnecessary distractions.
If we’re going be successful, we have to not only stay focused, but maintain a positive focus.
How do we accomplish that?
“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.”
~Jack Canfield
Stay focused!
The Swirl World Team is committed to sharing 365 days of inspiration in 2015. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts.
We’d love to FEATURE YOU in one of our Inspiration Daily posts! If you’d like to be featured, please send a nice, clear photo to
Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
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