I just found out that my dissertation proposal is approved by the IRB (Institutional Review Board)!!!! Woot to the Woot Woot WOOT! This means that I can now start contacting people to participate in my research study. My study is entitled A Qualitative Phenomenological Study of the Tenure Pursuit of Interracially Married Faculty Women of Color. Participants must be a female minority, interracially married, and on the tenure track at an accredited, four-year bachelors, masters, or doctoral college or university in the United States. (Know anybody like that??? Ask them to contact me for more info). Sooo excited and so ready to GET THIS DONE!!!!
I told my friends on Facebook that when I received the news I started the fire, made the pizza, and twirled the Q-tip like Albert in the movie Hitch.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Join in the fray: What are you happy about? Do you have any good news that you’d like to share?
Copyright © 2012 Michelle Matthews Calloway, All rights reserved.
Anonymous says
Will definitely look around in the DMV. Have to be at least a few people meeting the qualifications due to the diversity in the region.
A Swirl Girl says
Hey Lady! Thanks so much! If you know ANYONE who meets the description (or even works in higher ed) PLEASE let me know!
The Working Home Keeper says
That’s awesome! Congratulations!
Mary Ellen
The Working Home Keeper
A Swirl Girl says
Jamila, thanks so much! Excitement is an understatement for how I feel.
Jamila says