All hail the longevity of interracial relationships between Black Women and White Men!
A Sweet Spot Called Longevity
Research indicates BW/WM interracial relationships enjoy a sweet spot called longevity.
That’s right – when it comes to interracial marriages, BW/WM combinations last longer.
A Case In Point
We have many examples of friends of The Swirl World we can point to (our friends Karla and Don immediately come to mind).
So, in celebration of the longevity of marriage, we salute our featured couple, Bryan and April French.
“Happy Anniversary!”
October 15 marked Bryan and April’s 24th wedding anniversary.

April & Bryan French, October 15, 1992
April and Bryan have 3 sons who are just as gorgeous as they are:
April and Bryan’s beautiful 2-month old granddaughter is truly a living doll!
April’s Secret Sauce
I recently had an opportunity to chat with April about spending 24 years with the love of her life. She told me about the secret sauce making her marriage successful.
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April’s many talents include author and singer. She’s a published author, and her book Brown Girls Are Pretty Too can be purchased on Amazon by clicking here.
April sings under the stage name Deja Blue with a full band. To keep up with Deja Blue on Facebook, click here. She also sings with 2 other ladies in a group called Ladies of Soul. To “Like” their page on Facebook, click here.
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Copyright © 2016 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™ LLC, The Swirl World Podcast™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved.