Like me, I’m sure you were shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic turn of events at today’s Boston Marathon.
I’d planned to tell you all about the “VIPink Party” I attended Saturday night (I have the post all loaded in and ready to go).
Needless to say, all of that seems pretty frivolous now, when some of the Marathon runners and attendees are hanging on to life by a thread. Others made it out intact, but I’m sure the lives of those in attendance are now turned upside down.
I can’t help but think of the joy and laughter I experienced at Saturday’s event. I enjoyed the company I was with, and I loved being out and about. There’s something about events like the Marathon, concerts, festivals, shows, sporting events, movies and even fundraising dinners that make us happy.
We put on the glitz – or good walking shoes! – and set out to have a good time with friends and family. We don’t approach these events with fear; no, it’s the exact opposite. Many of the people who ran the Marathon had trained for months. Being there was a milestone for many; for some, an event to cross off on their bucket lists.
We don’t expect our events to end in tragedy. No, we expect to Facebook it, Tweet it, commemorate it with pictures, or even blog about it. We plan to place these events in our categories of “good times,” and never expect them to become remembrances of unspeakable horror and fear.
My heartfelt condolences, prayers, and sympathy go out to the families of all who were affected. My hope is that one day; someday, they may again experience good times.
Join in the Fray: When was the last occasion you had a “good time?”
I’m blogging every day in the month of April in Blogher’s NaBloPoMo Challenge. Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment!
Copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, All rights reserved.