Whatever is on the inside of you will spill over into the outside.
And because happiness is an inside job, the happiness you experience isn’t predicated on what’s going on around you.
Wanna get to happy?
Start from the inside out.
To read more about today’s featured couple, Kylar and Katia Kline, click here.
The Swirl World Team is committed to sharing 365 days of inspiration in 2015. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts.
We’d love to FEATURE YOU in one of our Inspiration Daily posts! If you’d like to be featured, please send a nice, clear photo to InspirationDaily@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
JeffSt says
The key is inside, but there are limits. We are a social species. You cannot completely cut yourself off from what’s around you. You are constantly interacting with the outside, whether acknowledged or not. So it’s important to find a healthy way to interact with that outside without losing that internal happiness that you nurture.