Imagine being so unique, no one else in the entire universe has your set of fingerprints.
Why would you want to be anyone else?
Dazzle and bless the world with your essence – your unique greatness.
Be you – not them.
Kay Talley, today’s featured model, is an avid reader (I call her Kar).
Kay’s handle on YouTube is KayTheReader. To visit her YouTube Channel, click here.
The Swirl World Team is committed to sharing 365 days of inspiration in 2015. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts.
We’d love to FEATURE YOU in one of our Inspiration Daily posts! If you’d like to be featured, please send a nice, clear photo to
Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
TheSwirlWorld says
JeffSt Well stated! YAAS!!!
JeffSt says
Like the Temptations song, don’t let the Joneses bring you down. You are not here to keep up with anyone, to fit someone else’s prefabricated template. If you try to be someone other than who YOU are, i can guarantee you will fail. You are here to satisfy no one’s dreams but your own.