I have no fear of depths but a great fear of shallow living.
~Anais Nin
In our estimation, being untraveled (domestic or international) is but one form of “shallow living.”
We can’t stress enough the life changing value traveling brings to your life.
Thankfully, members of The Swirl World are sending in photos and sharing their travel stories. We’d love to share yours! Send your info and photos to InspirationDaily@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Today’s featured couple, Carl and Shelly, love seeing the sights of Shelly’s native Jamaica. Stay tuned for more from this duo!
Join in the Fray: How do you define “shallow living?”
The Swirl World Team is committed to sharing 365 days of inspiration in 2015. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts.
We’d love to FEATURE YOU in one of our Inspiration Daily posts! If you’d like to be featured, please send a nice, clear photo to InspirationDaily@TheSwirlWorld.com.
Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
ASwirlGirl JeffSt
Well, there’s shallow living during which we know we aren’t satisfied, and then there’s shadow living during which you think this is what you want or at least are supposed to be doing.The first is descriptive of what you went through after your husband died. The second is more like me after graduation.
JeffSt I think most of us have phases where we engage in “shallow living” for first one reason and then another. I can certainly think of a couple – the most notable one was after my husband passed away. I went through the motions of life and was drowning on the inside. I’ve always been a very “purposeful” person (my Mother says I’m “intense” lol!) but for a while, I just couldn’t pull it off – didn’t want to. Thank goodness we snapped out of those stages – I feel for the people who don’t.
Great quote! I lived the “shallow living for the first several months after graduating college and moving to the Bay Area. Lived in Oakland, commuted every weekday to my new job in downtown San Francisco. At night i’d come home, eat a TV dinner, do pretty much nothing. Friday and Sat night, i’d go to singles bars or bars featuring topless dancers, engage in very superficial interactions. During Saturday and Sunday, i’d often just drive places, rarely stop except for some fast food. I was basically just passing through life. And then i woke up.