Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
I challenge you to take a few minutes to clear your mind.
I say “take a few minutes,” because for many of us, clearing our mind can take a little time.
Once your mind is cleared, focus.
After focusing, kick things up a notch, and concentrate.
If you mind tries to race ahead – or if it tries to reflect back – rein it in and think about now.
Concentrate on the here and now, placing your mind, thoughts and energy squarely in the moment.
Join in the Fray: What happened when you moved from focusing to concentrating? How did you feel? What were your next steps?
The Swirl World Team is committed to sharing 365 days of inspiration in 2015. Our goal is to help you stay motivated and inspired by bringing you positive, uplifting images and corresponding thoughts.
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Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
Michelle Matthews-Calloway says
Hey Mark,
Thanks so much for sharing those tips. I’m going to have to try them! I have a friend who puts himself to sleep every night by telling his bones to go to sleep. He concentrates – starts with his right foot and progresses upward; ditto for left side. By the time he gets to his eyes, he falls asleep. I believe he more so wills himself to sleep – kinda like you will yourself to push away negative thoughts.
Mark Woolsey says
A great topic.
Here’s how I focus on the present; I try to meditate daily, and when I do, I work to still my mind. If a thought comes to me unbidden while I’m meditating, I pretend it’s a football and I kick it away from me. I will sometimes do a chant or think about a simple object, like a rotating orb as a way of “stilling.”
I concentrate on my breathing, the sensations of meditating, the feel of the chair under me. All the “right-now” things.
And when I am finished, I find I have a clarity and sense of mental sharpness I hadn’t had before.
Just my two-cents’ worth, and thanks.
-Mark Woolsey
Jeff S. says
Thanks. 🙂
Some ideas: try to never have a meal with media in the background, i.e. TV, radio, online,…Particularly if you’re sharing the meal with others. Particularly in a family situation. This is one time the family really has together, make it quality time. And even if it’s just you, make it quality time, taste what it is you are eating, don’t just gulp it down.
(Sorry for the double, somehow the post got placed in the wrong location)
Jeff S. says
Thanks. 🙂
Some ideas: try to never have a meal with media in the background, i.e. TV, radio, online,…Particularly if you’re sharing the meal with others. Particularly in a family situation. This is one time the family really has together, make it quality time. And even if it’s just you, make it quality time, taste what it is you are eating, don’t just gulp it down.
Michelle Matthews-Calloway says
Ha! I read that book, and some of Huxley’s other works. Great reference! 🙂
Jeff S. says
So much of our life is spent thinking about what might have been, or what could happen in the future, or what we”ll be doing in an hour, tomorrow, next week,…. We lose track of where we are right now, space it all out. I keep bringing up an image of a bird saying “Here and now, boys,” Reference to Aldous Huxley’s book Island, i believe his last.
Totally aside: gorgeous woman.