Most of us have heard (and even know the lyrics to) the song “The Gambler” recorded by Kenny Rogers. Written by Don Schlitz, the most famous line from the song says,
You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run.
I believe these lines speak to just about any meaningful area of life, and relationships in particular.
When a relationship no longer serves us, it’s time to fold ’em. It’s important to be honest, and have the courage to walk away when we know it’s time.
Conversely, we have to know when to know when to hold ’em
No, it doesn’t mean everything in your relationship will go right all the time.
What it does mean is you recognize when a relationship works, it’s worth fighting for and holding on to.
Today’s featured couple, Harrieta and Rob, have been in hold ’em mode for a decade – they just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. Woot!
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Copyright ©2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, The Swirl World Inspiration Daily™, Swirl Nation™, All rights reserved. Photo used with permission.
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