Strolling Down Memory Lane
How many of us can remember playing this game as a child? It seemed so sweet at the time. Well, that’s if the last petal ended in “he loves me.” Some would take it at face value, while others would immediately search for another flower.
It was so common to play this game, back in the day. Older ladies would smile sweetly at a young girl, slowly picking off each petal. Perhaps it transported them back to their younger days, when they too wondered if their childhood crush loved them.
What a sweet stroll down memory lane! But how many of us still play this game today – desperately trying to figure out if the object of our affection loves us? The harsh reality is if you still have to play the game as an adult, chances are-he loves you not.
When A Man Loves A Woman
I know this is a hard pill to swallow. Everyone wants to know for sure they are loved. However, we should remember that when a man loves a woman, she will know it. My father walked 18 miles to see my mom. That’s love. Constant texts and calls, that’s love.
Love shouldn’t leave you in a state of wonder. Any man who does this to a woman does not love her. I repeat, if you have to question whether or not he loves you, he doesn’t. Don’t go searching for another flower. Don’t try to rationalize a missed phone call or text, as “oh, he’s just busy.” People make time to do what’s important to them.
Live And Learn
I found myself in the “he loves me, he loves me not” battle. Trust me when I say, it is a losing game. It will have you on an emotional roller coaster until you learn to accept the truth. If you are not given the time and attention you deserve, let it go. Pick up the pieces of your heart. Cry is you must, but move on.
If you focus on loving yourself that “loves me not” may turn into “he loves me.” If not, then at least you didn’t compromise your integrity or lower your standards, which isn’t easy if you’re a woman like me.
Having standards is well worth it. You’ll be able to look back at the situation and realize that even if he doesn’t love me, I love me; and that is enough.
Natasha Hardy writes for her local newspaper, and serves as the Communications Chair for the Columbus, GA, NAACP. She recently graduated magna cum laude at Amridge University.
Natasha is also the Owner/President of her own non-profit organization, Gamma Pi Rho Sorority, Incorporated, a multicultural sorority founded January 2014. To learn more about this nonprofit organization and connect with them via Facebook, visit them on the web by clicking here.
Copyright © 2015 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, The Swirl World Podcast™, All rights reserved. Photo property of The Swirl World™. Gamma Pi Rho crest Copyright © 2014 Natasha Hardy and used with permission.
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