Here in The Swirl World we’ve been fortunate to have a number of men reach out to us. We receive nice emails and in boxes on our Facebook page from “Rainbeaus” and “Other Brothers” who kindly share their appreciation for our page and for lovely Black Women.
Navy man Brandon Welch, a divorced Dad who’s raising his little girl, is one of those gentlemen.
The Back Story
We first heard from Brandon in November 2012 when he shared a photo of him and his little daughter Brooklynn.
Now, Brooklynn is the bees-knees and puts the “A” in ADORABLE and the “C” in CUTENESS, and needless to say everyone fell in love with her at first sight.
(Her Dad is pretty gorgeous too, we might add. Just sayin’.)
Pictures of Brandon and Brooklynn quickly went viral on our Facebook page and other Swirl pages, and they became recurring favorites.
We’re so happy that Brandon, who gets deployed from time to time, checks in with us when he’s in port.
He’s extremely patient and very kindly answers our numerous questions.
He’s also a good sport, because he agreed to let us profile him on the blog and on our Facebook page – just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Some Info On Brandon:
Age: 24
Height: 6’1”
Military Branch: Navy
Marital status: Divorced
Brooklynn’s age: 2
Brandon’s parents take care of Brooklynn when he is away.
November 2013 Update
When we heard back from him in late November 2013, he said,
“I have been busy for the most part. We went on deployment a couple of months ago and I’m still not home as of yet. I’m still single and live in Florida. Brooklynn (my daughter) is two now and has been getting spoiled by her grandparents since I have been gone. Not too much has changed for me besides seeing the other side of the world, but it was definitely one for the books. Hope all is well!”
Brandon sent us these photographs of his return and reunion with his daughter. They rank as some of the most popular we’ve ever shared!
Oh, The Cuteness and The Sweetness!
January 2014 Update
In January we asked Brandon to give us an update. He said:
“My past year has been full of ups and downs. Getting adjusted to raising my daughter with the help of my parents was something I had to get used to. Brooklynn stayed with them while I was on deployment, and I knew she would be taken care of without worry.
In 2014 I’m planning on spending mostly with Brooklynn since most of 2013 was spent with me being away. I missed seeing her personality and mind develop while I was gone. She’s very opinionated and working on becoming independent even though I tell her she’s not allowed to grow up anymore. Lol!”

Movie Night with Brandon & Brooklynn
Valentine’s Day Update
I’m still single. I would like to date; I’ve always wanted a family . . . .
So this year I definitely want to keep my daughter close and possibly find someone to start a relationship with. Brooklynn is my heart and the only thing I am scared of in this world is something happening to her. She’s my angel . . . .”
Stop The Presses!
Ladies, not only is Brandon single – he’s ready to start dating!
Woot Woot!
Of course, you have to know that we stepped up and told Brandon that we’d be happy to help him with his search because, well, we’re just good like that.
Cough, cough.
And of course, you have to know that we’re going to be his big sisters and try to screen the women who show an interest because, well, we’re just super protective like that.
Just sayin’.
We’re excited at the prospect of Brandon finding love and we’re going to do whatever we can to assist him in any way.
Which leads us to . . . .
A Big Announcement!
Remember we told you that we were going to start pod-casting? Well, Brandon has agreed to join us on the podcast!
He’ll be giving us updates on Brooklynn raising him raising Brooklynn, military life and life as a Swirler who is trying to find love.
Woot to the woot, woot, WOOT!
We haven’t hammered out all the details and logistics, so stay tuned.
If you haven’t subscribed to the blog, make sure you do so you don’t miss any updates or announcements concerning the start of the podcast.
*Whispering . . . Just so you know, Brandon has a deep, baritone voice . . . .*
Join in the Fray: So, will you be Brandon – and Brooklynn’s – Valentine?
All rights reserved. Copyright © 2014 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, Dallas, TX, USA. Photos used with permission.
Want to be profiled here on the blog and on our Facebook page? Contact us via inbox on Facebook or send an email to
Do anyone knows if he still a single parent and still looking for dating. Is it anymore updates for 2015 ?
Hi Brandon and Ms Brooklynn…I,too, live in Florida, have never had kids…been too busy with business…am ready to settle down and a ready made family would be great! Your parents will like me, as most of guys I’ve been out with, ex in laws all like me too–give me a shout on facebook as well
Nina, we’d love to be in Hawaii right now! LOL! Send me an email at – I’m love to feature you on the blog!
Karla, I know!
Would like to meet Brooklyn and Brandon. I feel like i already know them, such love is beautiful to see.
From the GodFather of Anti-swirl:
Happy V-Day to all you swirlers!
Happy V-Day to my little sister, who presides over all this madness!
Believe me, I have been instructed from several to ask that question. I promise to do so when I get a chance. LOL! LOL!
Ask Brandon if he likes cougars?
I have had the opportunity to have a long conversation with Brandon, and trust me, he is the real deal. I was blown away by his maturity, lack of guile, and love for his daughter. In a couple of years, I am sure, someone will be his valentine and for him that means wife.
I’ll be looking forward to hearing more about Brandon & Brooklyn. I’m also in the Navy so I know how those long deployments can be though I have one of the lucky jobs that rarely deploys and will spend the majority of my naval career in the same place: Hawaii. 🙂 I can’t complain!
Go, Navy! Wish I knew a single woman to whom I could introduce him.
Blake, thanks for weighing in! Stay tuned to learn more about Brandon. We have more posts coming on him and he’s joining us on our new podcast. Woot Woot!
Oh this may sound a bit eager, but yes, I would love it if I could be their valentine! Brandon seems to be just the sweetest and most loving father and amazingly nice guy. I think it’d be any woman’s honor.