Here in The Swirl World we’re suckers for a good love story and it doesn’t take much to please us. We LOVE the idea of Black Women loving, marrying and living well!
Make no mistake: We want all women to do well. Yet we focus on Black Women in particular because there seems to be no shortage of (c)rap songs, soul-killing “research” articles, slimy YouTube videos, idiotic magazine spreads and ridiculous blog posts bashing Black Women.
Despite the obstacles, more and more Black Women are swimming against the tide and waking up to the fact that when it comes to matters of the heart, you have to be willing to open your mind and expand your options in order to find the love you want and deserve.
With each passing day, more and more women make the decision to embrace love regardless of race or ethnicity.
When that happens, LOOK OUT – love isn’t far behind.
This week, we celebrate Mr. Jamie and Mrs. JuJu Lee who found love – and each other – in Iraq!
Jamie and JuJu took time from their busy schedules to respond to our questionnaire.
Where They Live:
About 25 minutes outside of Atlanta, Georgia
How Long They Have Been Together:
Three and a half years now. We’ve been married 1 year and 3 months.
Any Children?
Yes. We have a 3 month old son and 3 beautiful children from Jamie’s previous marriage.
How They Met:
JuJu was working as a Billeting Technician in Iraq, and Jamie was the HVAC guy who showed up to fix a broken A.C. unit.
Jamie asked, “Where’d you come from?”
He knew JuJu was new because he had seen every face on base, and had never seen her. He came by her office to talk to her every day, making up new excuses to visit each day until the excuses ran out.
Jamie invited JuJu to a BBQ with some of his friends one evening to sample his grilling skills. Soon, he was picking her up and dropping her off to and from work and her living area.
He eventually asked her on a desert “date” which was really a sunset drive out in a part of the base that was unoccupied.
They tell us, “In case you don’t know, the sun and moon look HUGE in Iraq, so it was always beautiful! The rest is history.”
What Was Your Defining Moment When You Knew You Were In Love?
Jamie: “When I left her for the first time to go on R&R. Before I even arrived back in the U.S. I was missing her and wishing I had stayed in Iraq, rather than go on vacation. I knew then.”
JuJu: “I was sitting next to him in his work truck watching him dance to “I Want You” by Kings of Leon. It was on one of our desert “dates” when we just went on a drive out in the middle of nowhere. I knew instantly. I remember thinking ‘… I’m in trouble…’ and ‘He’s got some rhythm for a white boy.’ Lol!
What Do You Like Most About Your Mate?
Jamie: “That she’s sweet and kind… the most loving woman I’ve ever met.”
JuJu: “I love his confidence. He is not easily intimidated, and stands up for his woman no matter the situation. I always feel safer with him than I ever have before.”
What Advice Would You Give To Others?
Jamie: “Stay out of the hood. LOL. J/K. Be yourself, and the right person will love you for you, regardless of color.”
JuJu: “Anyone who thinks there’s something wrong with dating interracially has a much bigger problem than ‘looking for love.’ So don’t let them faze you.”
“Love is beautiful. When two adults decide that they want to spend the rest of their lives together, day in and day out, for better or worse, it’s beautiful. And nothing else matters, not color, not gender, not socioeconomic status… Nothing else matters. Just love. So screw the haters!”
What Was The Response Of Family/Friends To Your Interracial Relationship?
Jamie: “My family and friends were not at all surprised. This ain’t my first rodeo. But they were happy to see that I was finally happy and found a woman who could put up with all my shenanigans.”
JuJu: “My family was happy to see my new glow, and complimented me on the ‘good catch.’ Tall, funny, handsome, and employed. Lol! What could they complain about?”
Anything Else You’d Like To Add?
They tell us, “Everywhere we go, people stare… She stands out in Mississippi, with her exotic appearance, and he stands out in St. Thomas. Not because he is white, but because he has a different swag than most sunscreen-on-the-nose, camera-around-the-neck tourists.”
“We’ve learned to expect, but ignore the attention, and focus only on each other. No matter what, people will always find something to hate or talk negatively about… Just be the other’s best friend, and nothing else will matter.”
So how do you find love even when you’re in a foreign country? Simply follow Jamie and JuJu’s example. They found love – and each other – because they refused to put themselves in little boxes marked “race” or “ethnicity.”
Jamie approached; JuJu responded; they dated, and Jamie sealed the deal with marriage.
That’s how it’s done. Sweet!
Join in the Fray: What steps are you taking to ensure love will find YOU?
All rights reserved. All work is the copyright of the respective owner, otherwise copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, Dallas, TX, USA. Photos used with permission.
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Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words! You’re right; this couple is so very sweet. You’re right about us being “different, and yet so wonderfully the same.” That’s the rationale behind “Ordinary People . . . Extraordinary Love.” We feature everyday people who have managed to find each other and experience an extraordinary love – truly an amazing, wonderful thing!
So.Damn.Sweet… makes my heart melt. Such a cute couple. Love IS beautiful, and that is all that matters. She is gorgeous…. he is a good lookin’ dude. Baby is adorable. And they both just have such a fantastic take on things. Those of us that are in IRR’s understand the sheer beauty of them. I know I say this all the time.. but.. So different, and yet so wonderfully the same. We are all helping to change the world.