Remember the song “Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?” by Bryan Adams?
Oh, that song was so deep – the lyrics accurately detailed what it takes to really LOVE a woman.
If you have never heard the song, you may want to give it a listen.
If you have heard the song and love it as much as I do, let’s take a little break and bask in its splendor:
Whelp, it’s time for another edition of Mondays With Mike, and this one is particularly special.
One of the things we enjoy about Mike is his unabashed admiration for Black Women.
When we began corresponding with him on the Facebook page, he told us,
“I am a white guy from Western Australia, and I have always been attracted to black girls/women. At my first school social I danced with a girl from South Africa, and I never forgot it, or her. I have met and dated a lot of girls, but I never fall as hard as I do for Black women.”
(Smart man, that Mike!)
We recently learned that every Sunday, Mike faithfully – and avidly – participates in a Twitter chat that uses the hash tag #BlackGirlSunday.
During that chat, Black Women and the men who love them share Instagram photos, blog links, YouTube videos, shout outs and everything else in between – and all to the admiration, respect and love of Black Women.
Not only does Mike participate in this worldwide conversation, he also writes poetry to the women on the chat!
That’s right – poetry.
Beautiful, inspired, delightful poetry – all within Twitter’s 140-character limit!
Mike told us that one of his favorite muses is @MissLJay20.
She graciously agreed to let us share a few of her photos.
Now, she and Mike aren’t dating or anything like that; he simply appreciates the beauty she represents as a Black Woman.
(And she appreciates the poetry!)
Here are a couple of examples:
Fierce mane & flashing eyes, wicked clothes & savage guise, fiery heat, frenzied fire, burning dark desire
Winsome wary watching eyes, speckled as starry skies, so radiant and clear, to make so bright seem so near
And this one, of which he says,
Poem Before Sleep
If I were to be a thing, named as any other I should be a cup, to hold as much I could before running over
Here are a few other poems written for Ladies participating in #BlackGirlSunday:
Hair cascades before the light,
A smile edifies a joyous heart,
But beautiful eyes hold the measure of the soul
Picture playful for us to see
Sets you with cherubic smile
But eyes light so wickedly
Heartstruck in one motion
Senses reeling from the blow
Blessed by naiad vision
Thy heart holds more to know
Has anyone ever penned a poem for you?
As a special treat to our Facebook fans and blog subscribers, Mike will write a poem just for you!
To receive a poem, follow Mike on Twitter @500and50 and send him a Tweet saying you read this post. You can also post a message right here on the blog, and he’ll reply with a poem. Woot Woot!
Keep Swirling.
Join in the Fray: What does it take for someone to really love YOU?
Follow Mike on Twitter @500and50, read his blog at, or message him on his 500and50 Facebook page.
Got questions for Mike? Send them to us via inbox on Facebook or email them to
All rights reserved. Copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, Dallas, TX, USA. Photos used with permission.
Thanks Swirl World!
Ladies, it would make writing poetry immeasurably easier if you attached a photo, or a link to one, for inspiration. No judgements, no negativity, I just need a visual idea to work from, otherwise it might be a tad generic. The ball is in your court!