I received an inbox today from a guy who reads the blog.
Thankfully, he’s enjoying the blog, but he wonders why I talk about my Dad all the time, but don’t say very much about my Mother.
I was able to refer him to a previous post I made about my Mother and the blog – and the fact that she’s not at all keen about being a topic of discussion.
Lest anyone think I don’t give her equal time, I’m sharing a note she wrote to my Dad concerning their joint obsession: Rabbits.
(At this point, I’m swearing you to secrecy. You have to promise you won’t tell her I posted this. *Snickering*).
Mom and Dad have some pet rabbits that they treat like celebrities. It’s cute to see them share this fondness for those critters even though I believe my Mother takes it way too far. They each have their individual time of checking on the rabbits, and at least once a day they go look at them together.
*Rolls eyes*
Before I gag, check out this note my Mother wrote my Dad:
Did you read that last line? See what I mean about my Mother taking this rabbit thing too far?
Join in the Fray: What’s your obsession?
I’m blogging every day in the month of April for BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge. Thanks for reading and do leave a comment!
Copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, The Swirl World™, All rights reserved.
“…Somehow I have a feeling that your idea of enjoying the love of a woman is having her lay still while you get off….. whatever….”
Ah, EJ…(let me see if I can be of assistance to one of the brethren)…
There are some things on this planet that have proven to be impossible.
2+2 will never = 5.
E will never = mc3.
You, m’boy, have discovered # 53 on that list, however inadvertently. Lying still while under the spell of The Anti-Swirl is a physical impossibility. In my best-selling book, “Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Mars, But The Anti-Swirl Is Outta This World!”, I delve into this scientific fact in great detail…
You don’t have a copy yet?
*shakes head*
I bet you don’t have a copy of my classic textbook “Proper Handling and Feeding of the Black Female” either, do you?
I thought so.
*El Sigh*
Tell you what I’ll do! For the special, low, LOW price of ONLY $249.99 (plus S&H…and don’t forget to tip the UPS guy. They remember bad tippers, y’know.) I’ll send you a copy of BOTH books!
Yes, EJ, BOTH BOOKS! Just think, in four, count ’em, FOUR weeks, you will discover the secret to being the Master Blaster, the Playa-Playa, the…
Information overload?
Okay, just read the books, and soon you’ll have her purring @ your ankles!
Hey, it beats having you purring @ hers, trust me…
Feel free to keep rolling and shaking. To each their own. We all find our own happiness in the world. Your name indicates your preference. Have at it, follow yours. Those of us that do prefer to Swirl, will. Those that choose to hate…. whatever….. Somehow I have a feeling that your idea of enjoying the love of a woman is having her lay still while you get off….. whatever….
*rolls eyes*
*shakes head in sympathy*
The rabbit population over there has decreased by one….
BTW, it’s going to cost you PLENTY to keep yer Ma from discovering her note has been shown to EVERYBODY on the PLANET.
So Jeff, you are all “Boo-Ed Up!” Woot Woot! 😉
Thanks. She is my sweetheart, and I am her Boo. Never been anyone’s Boo before….
My Mother buys parsley for the rabbits as a “special treat.” I would laugh, but I know I was always on the lookout to get special treats for Nibbles.
I’m a collector as well. I have to admit that I’m probably obsessed about jewelry, books, and pens – I don’t care how many or how much I have, I’m always buying more (I wear, read, and use them, of course)!
Aww, that’s SWEET! That’s the way it’s supposed to be. No need to apologize for that – every woman should have a man to love her that way – and every man should have a woman he feels that way about. Kudos to both of you!
Rayne Drops,
My BFF has rabbits also and does the same thing. She will go out of her way to get them organic greens, dried papaya, the best hay… see how much I know about it? She does more for them than she does for herself.
I don’t really have an obsession. I am a collector of certain things: mortars and pestles, tea pots, pitchers but otherwise, none. I do love dogs and would probably have every breed if I had the room. I love my husband but can only handle one!
This may sound silly… but my obsession is my sweet HoneyBee. I am obsessed with spending time with her. I am obsessed with just holding her. I am obsessed with the feel of her soft skin, the pretty scent of her hair, the adorable smile on her face. Sorry for being sappy… you asked…. 😉
C U T E!!!!!!