Ever get to a place in certain situations and you realize that what happened is no longer important?
A random thought crossed my mind last night. When the thought hit, I paused, then mentally said, “Huh!”
I realized that the thought was random, and what made it random was the fact that it referenced a situation that was no longer uppermost in my mind.
Not only that, the situation had not been on the forefront of my thoughts for a very long time.
And now, something that was once sooooo important – was random.
How ’bout that?
No, what happened to me was NOT ok.
However, by the grace of God I am ok – and that’s all that matters!
Join in the Fray: How you doing? (Grammatically incorrect, yet so appropriate!) 🙂
I’m blogging every day in the month of January in Blogher’s NaBloPoMo Challenge. Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment!
Copyright © 2013 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl, All rights reserved.
TheSwirlWorld says
Don, thanks so much!
Don says
“No, what happened to me was NOT ok.
However, by the grace of God I am ok – and that’s all that matters!”
Beautifully said, Michelle! And so true!