Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. This is true in more than just politics – it’s true for every aspect of life.
Regardless of the outcomes we experience in politics, life, and love, I believe that the key to moving forward rests on whether we understand and believe this:
You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.
Join in the Fray: When has exhibiting a positive outlook helped you to move forward?
Copyright © 2012 Michelle Matthews Calloway, ASwirlGirl™, All rights reserved.
I’m blogging everyday in the month of November as a participant in NaBloPoMo. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment!
Jeff, I agree it may sound simple. I share your belief that exhibiting a positive outlook is the key to it all. There’s a Bible verse that says something to the effect of “as a man thinks, so is he.” To me, this means that my thoughts guide my life and determine my reality. If I think negative thoughts, I’ll be negative, and thus my outlook on life will follow suit. Depressing thoughts and situations do come, but as you stated, we have to exercise the option of determining how we’re going to feel about those situations and how we’re going to respond. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
This may sound simple… but exhibiting a positive outlook helps me get out of bed EVERY day. You have to. I have personally learned the price of not doing so as well. When I recently went through a bout of depression….. wow, did it ever suck. And you cant control that. What you CAN control for the most part is your determination of what your attitude is going to be.